Seriously ive never been anywhere more beautiful. Ill send pics :) but im no photographer
hahha but its still beautiful. So yeah, sorry i couldn't call. after i hung up
with mom it wouldnt let me call anymore?!?! i was very annoyed haha but i still
love you ;). the flight was sooo long haha but i tried being a missionary and
invited this older group of passengers to come to the visitors center in a few
weeks when they are on oahu :) hopefully they come! man its been so crazy i
dont even know where to begin. plus i got like 100 emails ;,) so sweet. i hope
i have time to write back to everyone. wow theres so much that has happened
hahah. ok so i guess ill start with my funny story. Elder Holland came to
give a devotional to our missionaries on oahu, and since my comp was in a
musical number we got to sit on the front row, and I was literally the closest
person to elder holland haha he probably spat on me a few times hahah. but we
each got to go up and shake his hand and introduce ourselves, i was so awkward
and basically forgot my name... but it was amazing to get to hear him meet each
of the missionaries and see the love he has for all of us. so awesome.
Then when he spoke he just had a little microphone
thing so he could walk around and was explaining why.. and i looked up and he
came straight at me with hands out and lightly put his hands around my neck and
shook me hahahah i was so shocked and couldnt even speak forever hahaha then he
patted my face and told me the color would come back in my face in a few hours.
it took me a moment to recollect myself hahah but his talk was so good! he
taught us the importance of the book of mormon. he called on me several times
to read verses and stuff, and then when he left he like patted me on the back
(i think that was his apology for scaring the daylights out of mehahah) but
everyones been teasing me that im his best friend or something. its really
funny to think that Elder Holland like "strangled" me hahahah. hes

lets see. my companion is sister weygandt and shes super
sweet and humble. always saying sorry and thankyou (almost drives me crazy lol)
but shes really good beceause she encourages me to teach and everything. We
spend a lot of time studying and then half the day in the VC and then the
leftover hours proselyting. we cover 3 wards and there aren't many nonmembers.
Its awesome though because we have several families that already are in the
discussions and some even have baptismal dates. On sunday we got to teach this
phillipeno family that doesn't speak good english, so we have a member come
translate what they say to us. theyre so faithful though, i love it! Its tricky
to know how to handle some of the nonmembers because every 6 weeks new
missionaries come and meet them and so theyre kind of turned against
missionaries, but we are thinking of ways to reach their hearts. Its amazing to
get to be a tool that god can use to teach his other children. Ive been trying
to develop more humility and charity. I want my mission to change me, but its
hard not to see the faults in others and want to make them change.. for example
having dirty roommates and being annoyed that they don't wash their dishes. but
then i have to think about what christ would do, and then i just wash them and
try to approach the situation in a loving way rather than being mad and
accusing.. i have a lot of work to go though on that.
I have sooo much i have to learn. i have to learn about the
exhibits in the VC but also we do a tram tour from the PCC to the VC of all
these historic facts of Laie hahah i hardly say anything because it stresses me
out. im so awkward sometimes. Luckily sister weygandt knows what shes doing.
(she half american/ japanese.. grew up in japan). Im one of the 3 blondies here
haha. there are so many asians and i love them soo much. theyre so funny. of
course i love all the vc sisters. they really are the sweetest and im so
grateful to be able to have basically more than one companion. its fun. and
keeps my spirits up :)

oh let me tell you about where i live. i live literally
right on the ocean. "beach pad" is what it is called. Ill send pics. We cant
go on the sand, but my yard is grass and goes like 2 yards away from the ocean.
its really pretty and fun to workout out side by it. but the problem is there
are chickens like everywhere, so at like 4 in the morning they start yelling at
each other and its sooo annoying. the baby chicks running around are cute
though :) (we live with 2 other sisters, its a 2 level apt and kinda dirty
looking but pretty cool.) Oh also, i never planned for it, but i ride a bike
everywhere haha. luckily theres this garage where sisters trade their clothes,
so i have collected a few flowier skirts to ride bike in. their old rusty noisy
beach cruiser bikes lol theyre better than walking!!!!!!

the members here are awesome. we teach a lot of lessons to
members to get to know them better and help them come closer to christ too. the
meals ive eaten are so good haha. i probably will get fat here with NO SHAME.
we had this really good dish of japanese food.. like rice, egg, pork and idk
what else but i loved it. also its nice because we can be out teaching till 9
and i never need a jacket. even when its raining its still pleasant. that. is.
life. and i sleep good here and try not to think about bugs. i have only seen 1
cockroach. and only 1 bug bite on my arm :)
ALso i have learned a lot about different lifestyles
and its crazy. some houses are huge and elegant, and then some are like a
kitchen bed and table are all in one small space. Its amazing how different our
lives all are. theres a lot more i could tell you about, but maybe ill just
write letters or something.
also let me figure out pics :)
ill write a letter explaining more of my day to day :)
you wear your muumuu while the VC and then regular clothes the rest of the
yes about the muu muu, i have 2 different ones, one for VC
and one for PCC.
your camera working?
it works, the screen is jsut broken. i just found out today
i can upload though so thats awesome :) also a lot of sisters tell me
theyll just send me pics? but i dont trust that.
you ever have a transfer away from the VC?
yes i will just like random throug the mission.
how often will your companion change?
i think usually 6 weeks,but some are with the same comp
Tues be your p-day always?
yes unless i get a new comp it might be monday? but that
would be in like 6 weeks so yes tuesday.
did you do for the 2 days in the mission home?
oh we had a lot of training and i dont even know. its
beautiful in that part of honolulu
though. and the girls i was with were awesome. one was from killipos i think,
its an island near the marshall
islands. and she had such a humble life
before. like maybe not even electricity! she was my comp there and i love
her. yes. shes so awesome. adn sshort
How is the bike?
yes but it makes popping noises and is rusty and old lol we
might get new bikes soon!!!