Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hello :)

Hello hello hellooooo :)

This week has been preettty good. Its been cold weather for me. I even wore my sweater yesterday haha. And riding a bike in the wind with a skirt is the struggle of my life hahah. It's all good and sunny here though :) and my sandal tan lines are getting pretty funky looking ;) Don't be too jealous. I get weather updates from the tourists of what Idaho and Utah are like hahah pretty funny. Also the waves have been so big! Its so relaxing to be able to open my back door and have the sound of crashing waves :). 

So let's see. I talked things out with my compadre. Yeah, humility isn't my best quality but im definitely working on it. And once we talked it out we were able to have th e spirit and guess what. Miracle after miracle. Like some days are "duds" (just no one will listen and no one will answer their doors) but really, so many miracles everywhere. And such serving people here in hawaii. If we wait for someone in a public place, like everyone tries to buy us things and give us money. Thats a big thing here in hawaii. On sis Weygandts bday we got to buy ice cream with some money given to us :) haha. I still haven't tried that dole pineapple whip icecream stuff.. Maybe this week.

THE NOOLS BAPTISM WAS SO GOOD. im so happy for them and that they were able to make this sacred covenant with god. and especially that they were able to receive the holy ghost. I just could see so much joy in their eyes. It made me want to do even more to be a better missionary to share that with others. They are the ones in the pictures. They say they understand me but whenever i ask them questions they never answer hahahah language barriers are the worst, and so common here... I am learning bits and peices to different languages though! Phillipines (mahal kita!) and then korean and japanese. hahah every time i say anything, people say "aw cute" hahah except our mean bus driver moymoy, he says i sound stupid lol. He's so nice. 

This week there have been a lot of atheists coming into the visitor’s center. It's so hard to share testimony with people when they think it is all a joke. I really do hope they can at least have felt the spirit so they know where to turn if they ever realize that god is real.. I cant imagine how sad it is for god to see so many people just openly rejecting even the idea of him :(. There were still those people that came in and just were ready. I am really excited to hear back from a few quests that i left book of mormons with and see how they like it. :). And also i just love the visitors center. it makes fulfilling my purpose so much easier! the spirit is always there. 

In the area, we had some chances to meet more people and to teach more lessons :) I feel so blessed to have so many interested people in our area. Sometimes i feel like sis weygandt isn't bold enough and we beat around the bush too much, but with both of our personalities we are able to balance each other out i think. We got to go to FHE sunday with a family and investigator. I am so grateful because sunday night without fhe is so sad! This investigator is kind of hard though because she won’t really talk to us or answer our questions... so this week we are going to try to figure out a better way to teach her... and then another investigator family we were prompted to go see and they are letting us come back and teach them. They stopped making time for the missionaries for a while and now are ready :) so that will be tonight! I love the messages of the gospel. Especially the atonement. Jesus Christ just the most loving person ever and i am so grateful to know that he already has won the war. We just have to follow him! 

Proverbs 3:5-6!!!

Aw this week just went by so fast, its weird we are already in week 5 of this transfer. Time flies when youre having fun ;)

Mahal Kita! and Aloha! <3

love sister nielsen

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