Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Transfer Day

March 8, 2016
Guess what?!?! This is the last day of the transfer :( I have already had so much of a change of heart. I can't even believe how much the Lord will shape us when we let him. I prayed and prayed and tried so hard and even fasted, and i seriously love Sister Weygandt so much. And I even love the people we teach and that come into the VC SO MUCH more. I am so grateful.. I know there is still room to love more and to be more humble, but i also cant believe it has taken almost a whole transfer. Shesh. 
Joseph Duano aka Elder Duano
Anyways, last PDay was so fun! We went and ate pad thai and let me tell you it is so good. and Elder Duano (joseph) haha was the worker, so fun! I think i even captured a picture of him in work haha. It was fun to talk to him about the people back in Soda Springs that he taught and made me really wish I had shared the gospel more before i left. I think everyone thinks that, but I know how much more members can do than we do. But then we got to go to the PCC and see the New Zealand show and an imax theatre show. haha i love that we can go to the pcc whenever, but i still have only seen two villages.
We had an awesome lesson with a couple investigating and it was basically them talkin to the Bishop about the priesthood. They know in order to grow their faith they will have to act (read, come to church, etc) but things keep coming up! Like every sunday they have an emergency at work, they get sick, they go to the ER, etc. so crazy. :( But i know they will make it and once they do, i hope they can feel the spirit testify of the truth! 
I wish I had time to tell you about every lesson. I love all the different personalities and the different levels of readiness. Like Jane for example, she is just so ready. We talked to her about finding out for herself if the BOM was true, and she was confused because she never even doubted it. We even got a member to come teach with us and that in itself was a miracle. But I feel the spirit so much when we teach her. 
My View
On Wednesday we got to go do service at Pearl Harbor. haha we swept the decks and the gutters and it was so hot haha. It was so fun though. I love serving, and i want to research more about the attack on pearl harbor. I feel like the history would mean so much more if i learned about it prior ha. 
Some of the VC miracles we saw this week: This couple came in from India and we got talking about Jesus Christ and how much He loves us and I love him and how much the gospel has brought me happiness. And then we talked about the BOM and they wanted one but we didn't think we had a BOM in their language (i dont even know how to say it, one of those languages that just look like scribbles) but we looked and looked and there was one more!!!!!!! so i am looking forward to calling them and seein how they like it. They are Hindu so It's quite different! I have been studying about different religions basic beliefs and it amazes me how similar a lot of religions are. But yeah. and then on the way back to the PCC, they told us how much we just radiated happiness and how you could just see it. I am so grateful to be able to be a missionary. I hope i can live obediently and in tune with the spirit enough that others will be able to see the happiness we have and want to talk to us so they can have that too. 
Sis Yao and Nielsen
Sad news. So saturday we had comp inventory and just really talked out how this whole transfer has been and what we've learned and everything. And I cried because I didn't want to find out (later that night) if we were going to be together or changed. And I was just hopin we could be together because I love teaching with her. She is so diligent and although reserved, she balances me out so much! But then later we had TRANSFER NEWS. We played memory match to find out who our comp would be, our area, and what pad we would live in. I am with this hilarious crazy chinese girl (hong kong)
My favorite food
Sister Yao, and we stay in the same pad but our area is changed (i trust God, but i dont want to say goodbye to the people I just barely figured out who they are hah) but we will be in the Samoan ward and another family ward. Seriously all people tell me is that i will gain weight. great, just
great. hahah I already have gained weight im sure, so ill have to be careful. But it will be good.I"m excited :).
the district
I got the letters and i loved them. :) It is so great to read the emails of other missionaries. It really motivates me. Also Josh sent me a package and gave me a really cool scripture case :) I love getting letters though :) I still haven't sent the ones i wrote a few weeks ago lol Its so hard to remember!
I love being a missionary! And especially studying about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. "Learn of me and listen to my words...and ye shall find peace in me" :) I already feel closer to them the more i learn of them. I know they love each and every one of us. and I know that somehow Jesus Christ took all of our sins and we only need to repent and we can be cleansed!!!!
I hope you all have a great week and good luck to robert in BPA!!!!!!

Aloha, Sister Nielsen

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