Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Ne hao Piao Liang!

Bro Smith from Soda Springs
That's my new chinese phrase of the week haha it means you are beautiful. and the chinese people love me telling them that hahah it's a way into their hearts so they are more open to reading the materials I give them. Who would’ve thought haha. I love the really chinese people that just snuggle right up for a picture haha it cracks me up. There was this one lady and the only english word she knew was HALLELUJAH. pretty funny. Those chinese tourists keep us busy all day, but supposedly it's going to slow down in July. We will see! But some are so tight and ignore you and the next bus load is completely opposite haha. I love that I finally got my first "chinese investigator", aka she travels out of china so much that i might be able to send her little messages about God :)
the Swintons
But this week has been so good. My trio and I ate lunch yesterday with the Swintons and literally focused our spiritual message on trying to convince him to keep us as a trio for the next transfer haha. I don't think it worked, but I will cry of joy if that is possible. one of the sisters is going home a week earlier to go to the temple open house in Japan, so one of us is going to have to get moved to her comp a week earlier ;'(, but whatever happens will be good. I love them so much! 
Sad news, our investigator who is planning to have her baptism July 9th just dropped off the edge of the earth and we don't really know what to think! I hope she can still get baptized that day. She really is so ready. 
Working online
The ward camp was soooo fun. I feel like because it's summer here all year they shouldn't wait a whole year before they do another one haha. it's great! We had the chance to bring some less actives and also some investigators and hopefully they had a good experience. There is a family I love sooo much (the ones we do FHE with) and we don't know how to get the ward to be more welcoming.... all of you reading this-pleeeeeease be so friendly and kind to everyone at church. it could be life changing for them!!! It's so hard to see them go home early just because they feel uncomfortable :(. But I think this next Sunday is going to go well!
The place where Johnny Lingo was filmed
Oh we had a district flood, which means all the missionaries came to our area, and we were able to meet so many of the people that we hadn't met before. I love my area soooo much too.
I have found I am 100000 times happier and patient if I simply go to bed on time, and exercise. They aren't always possible, but the days I do those things, I am so much more capable. And taking the time to help someone out or to testify to them is never a waste of time! I know that God works mysterious ways to help others come to him, but one is simply through a conversation :)
I know that Jesus Christ really did die for us and we can repent and change!! How grateful I am for that and the ability to overcome our dumb choices!
Have a great week,

Aloha, Sister Nielsen

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