Tuesday, August 2, 2016

7 months!

This week was pretty good. Thanks for the letters <3
Our Youth Activity mini mini mini mission went really well! The youth were able to have family members come out to listen to them teach that us as missionaries couldn't get to join us! And they really learned a lot :) And so many funny stories as well. I loved doing it and want to keep thinking of ideas to help the youth be motivated to serve missions. 

I would love to share all these awesome things that happened this week, but I'll just pick a few ;)
Kenneth's brother was at his house when we went there, and i guess he has been less active for like 15 years, but just last sunday he went to church and had an amazing experience, so when we taught our little lesson to their family he bore testimony and i think it really helped kenneth to want to come back to church! And then for the first time in like eternity, we got to meet with him and his girlfriend as well! It's so amazing. they aren't totally motivated to make the changes in their lives, but I think they really can see through family and friends the difference that the gospel can make in the family. I love that. If anything, you can't deny that. The members might be judgmental, the bishop isn't perfect, and the meetings aren't always the most attention grabbing, but the spirit that comes from going to church each week is like the mormon message about the two trees planted, one in the shade and one in the sun light. You might not see the difference even in a year, but years later one is a strong big tree and the other is still a small little tree. Small things like prayers, scripture study, going to church, tithing, etc are all like the nourishment to the tree. maybe you don't see the immediate effect, but you can see it in lives of others! 
We spent a lot of time online this week, It's easy for me to feel discouraged when people are creepy or vulgar or even pranking, or when there is a language barrier/accent barrier. God will make it work, but I just have to be willing. 
Oh also we did a lot of tram this week as usual.... haha. I hate taking a tram by myself. I think im the only one that doesn't like it. But I bet none of you can even imagine me doing it.... it's horrible lol. Plus on the buses, we are like flying around the bus trying to stand and give the tour haha. But it's so crazy when Elder Swinton pulls out the numbers of guests from last year to this year. Just last month over 10,000 more people came to the VC than last year. SO maybe we wont have a slow season :) So amazing.
Aw man, i can't wait to just read you guys my journal when i get home haha trying to explain these moments over email is rough. But just know that it's going well! i Love sister Lee. She's so funny and unique. Just what i like :) And we work really hard together and are seeing so much success. Our ward is starting to get rolling on making a ward mission plan! And other amazing news!!!!! Kayla is getting married on Sept 10!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYYA I can't wait.
Anyways, Have a great week. I love ya so much
Love Sister Nielsen
ps my 7 month mark is this coming week!!!! so weird!!!!!!!! it goes fast and it goes slooooow hahaha but I'm so glad to be on a mission

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