first hawaiian burger |
Hello my beautiful ohana :)
I hope you are all doing so good. I guess we are allowed to
print our emails so like I can actually read through the emails you send
without quickly skimming :) Yay!!! BTW mommy I got the fun package you sent me.
Sis Yau was shocked at how sugary peeps are hahha all she eats are these really
dry salty chinese crackers hahaha. Anyways, i love you!!
This week actually was really good haha it is weird to have
pday on wed but the sisters in my pday group are sooo fun. i love them. they
might even be too crazy for me to handle hah but i still love them. Asians are
crazy >.< lol but also i love them so much. I love having a car too. we
probably dont save any time though cause we are always giving rides to the
other sistas!
sister yau and sister nielsen |
My new companion is so sweet. She is like the craziest girl
here though too. soo friendly and so funny. The poly people love her and she's
been in the same area for like 5 months so they know her really good too. She's
really good at being personal with them, so all the kids love us missionaries
and all the old people and basically everyone haha. I wish you could meet her.
We are trying to exercise every morning.. but then today we just bought a bunch
of sugar treats soooo hahah. it's like being with jamie ;) hahah.
Okay, also it's so hard to adjust to a new comp because the
teaching style is so different. Sis weygandt and i actually taught really well
together. we balanced each other out really good and our tours/lessons always
flowed really well and the spirit was always there. but we haven't figured it
out this new transfer. we aren't really on the same page while we teach for
some reason haha. but the nice thing is, if you testify of truth, the spirit is
there and the spirit is the real teacher... but we are still learning :). One
day I sincerely prayed to be able to recognize those that were ready to accept
the gospel or those that had a need. and When the 60 guests came from tram
tours, the spirit led me to a few different people and 4 of them were very
interested in learning more :) and that is just one small way that I saw God's
hand in my life after just saying a simple humble prayer. I love being able to
share this happiness with others!!! Also a miracle is that we had some time
online (with all the new schedules we haven't had much of a chance online to
contact or call people) but it was 9am and we called a lady in south africa
(9pm there) and were able to teach her more. She wants to learn more and is so
ready, but the closest missionaries to her are an hour away, so they don't get
to come teach her very much. so it is such a blessing to be able to call her
and help her better understand God's plan for her. Also i laugh thinking about
it because sis yau is one of those people that whispers really loud and doesn't
understand some people's english, so she was always whispering really loud into
the phone asking me what she said haha. But really, i love being in the
teaching center online. I wish i could spend more time back there because we
get all these people interesting in learning more, and then we dont have the
time and i get discouraged because it breaks the purpose of getting the info...
If i think about all the people i still haven't had the chance to get ahold of
i get really sad. :(. If we had ipads i feel like we could be so much more
effective because right now we have 6 computers and 26
Sad news about the area, none of our investigators are ever
home.. plus in Samoan ward people are scattered everywhere because it isn't a
ward boundary. And it's so hard because so many people are Less active or
inactive, and of course they don't want to be confronted about it. but we have
been really praying to know what their needs or concerns are.. because i know
how much of a strength going to church is. and how important prayer and daily
scripture study is. and it's hard to help others to understand that if they
aren't willing to try it for themselves.
Oh but the Samoan ward is so fun. they speak Samoan in the
meetings at church and the hymns everyone actually SINGS. and they all wear
muumuus and the man skirt things(lavalava??) lol. But the struggle to me is
they all look the same, all have such hard names to say, and like 4 families
live in one house.. idk how to keep anyone straight haha. Also i am definitely
the only blonde in that congregation so i stick out so much haha. But the
people are soooo loving.. so loving that everyone kisses everyone, just
friendly Hi kisses, but still surprising for me every time haha.
Something really cool i learned in my scripture study today
was in 1 Nephi chapter 17. verses 2 and 20. read it! it is nephi and laman's attitude
about the same situation. when we have God on our side, our whole perspective
changes!!! let God be on your side :) I love you all!!!
Have a great week! Talofa! :)
Love Sister Nielsen
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