Tuesday, February 9, 2016


ALOHAAAA                                      Feb. 9, 2016

Guess what. its like 50-60 degrees in the night and morning and i am like freezing hahaha. I even wore my tights this morning to our meeting and a cardigan and almost my jacket. kinda hilarious. But now im like sweating so its all back to good ;) hawaii shouldnt scare me like that. I love to see the snowy idaho pictures :) i actually do miss the snow haha its almost toooo perfect here. But i am getting a little tanner. I dont want to be super brown or anything but i keep forgetting to buy sunscreen. luckily i am modest so the only places that are tan are my arms and face.. and feet haha. 

anyways, this week went so fast!!! It seems like there is nothing to even tell you that is new. Except so much happens everyday. It's pretty crazy, I spend 3 hours everyday studying (and it isn't nearly enough time. just when i get going on learning about something we have to end) but then we have our VC shift which is either 9-230 or 230-8 and so it's hard to really get anything done in our area, especially with 3 different wards. I love the business of it all though. It keeps me from being homesick or from being unfocused on the work. Today the sisters kept asking about family and jamie and stuff and it made me crryyyyy hahah i swear im doing good though. i just love yall too much ;). I heard the broncos won.. whoohoo!! 

So i am so blessed. there are some missionaries that haven't had any baptisms this whole time and I just get here and am given investigators that already have been taught everything and are getting baptized on the 20th (which is also sis weygandt's bday! how fun) and so i get to experience a baptism and everything involved with that early in my mission :) also i love them, the Nools. They are like the most faithful people. Theyre the ones that dont speak good english. So i dont even know what they fully understand from us teaching but they totally feel the spirit and know its true. I love it. Also we spend a lot of time tracting and meeting members/nonmembers. We get a lot of referrals but then its hard to match up times with them to actually meet them, so we are working on that. But the members are so awesome. There are so many RMs here in Laie so they totally know how to help us. And the ward mission leaders are so motivating and really are great member missionaries. They dont hold back! i love it. I want to be like that when i come back. It amazes me when we find people in the community that don't really know anything about our church because its like 92% lds here... but its fun to teach :) Sunday night we got to teach a FHE with a family that invited their friend Miley, and  i think we might get to teach her privately too :) i sure hope so! the gospel really does bless lives more than anyone can comprehend.

I love being the VC. its such a blessing, because people have a negative view of missionaries, but then they come over on the tram tour and we teach them for a little bit and even though they dont say they want to learn more, they often times say the spirit is so different at the VC because we aren't "as pushy", but i think its just the fact that they chose to come to us and no one made them.. so its such a blessing. And not everyone is open to learn, but we really do have so many opportunities to teach people about Jesus Christ and how he has changed our lives. I really try not to get that missionary accent because i think it makes it sound not as sincere... like it sounds more memorized. but im grateful for the holy ghost, because it doesn't even matter what we say as much as how we are able to let the spirit teach through us. I'm really a horrible teacher haha but i have had so many miracles where i just open my mouth and the spirit just speaks for me. It's such a blessing. And there are so many prepared people that come through. I finally got my first real guest card back. I hope they dont just brush off their experience they had here and can remember the peace they felt here.. And its hard to make time to go email/call them through the week, but we are figuring it out :)

Im so grateful for Jesus Christ. Ive been studying a lot about why he died for us. And I just can't comprehend the love he has for just me. I watched Becasue He Lives (a 3 minute video) and i just felt the spirit and his love so strongly. watch it ;,) Also I watch God's plan for his family like a hundred times a day haha but i love it so much. I'm so grateful for you alllll. The temple really does give us so much peace and comfort knowing we can be together forever <3 i cant imagine life without that assurance. I love GOD and the GOSPEL. 

I love you!!!!!!! (I'm starting to get the tram tour script figured out hahah "Sister Weygandt and i aren't PCC workers or students here, but we are missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints :D" hahah. So fun/ so awkward sometimes haha. Its all good :) 

Have a great week! Happy love day. Youre all great. 

Love sister nielsen


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