Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tuesday P-day

Aloha Ohana :) I'm so proud of you guys for writing me haha my comps and i were betting to see if anyone actually wrote us this week with a surprise in pday days haha. You all make me a winnnnnerrr :) I like jamie's hair lol. Also, why is she in my clothes -_- AHHHHH. I get all of your clothes when I get home. 

This week was the first time my whole mission where i was close to the ocean and was so tempted to put my burning hot feet from walking all day in there... but don't you worry! I am obedient and prevailed ;). I really love tracting and our area is pretty much all along the beach! What a lovely ocean breeze and lovely view as people reject us ;). It has been a really good week though! Actually so Wednesday last week we were able to go to Kailua to grab some things we needed from Target and also go see Kayla, our investigator. It was perfect because she really opened up to us and wanted to push her baptism back one more week to make sure she was ready. SO no baptism for her on
Kayla and the trio
Saturday, but the best thing ever. Saturday the elders had a baptism for a family (and one of the daughters that brought the whole family into the church had gone to girl's camp and they came to the VC. Us 3 got to give them a tour and bear our testimonies to them. ANd it was after that evening that she set a baptismal date and brought her family with her!). So we were able to go to that and bring Kayla with us. They always say to get your investigators to attend a baptism before being baptized so they will feel the spirit and know what God wants for them, but there aren't really that many baptisms going on here. SO it worked our perfectly and now she is SO excited for Saturday!!! :) I love that girl and her fiance hahah they are so funny.

Also we had a music fireside at the VC which was great! Guess who even performed... yours truly ;) but it was like 7 of us so not that crazy or out of my comfort zone too much haha. We sang Plant a Seed in Your Heart. It is such a cute song. But the sisters at the VC are sooo talented. As i listened to them all perform these great performances, i realized there is nothing I have to offer to this VC. I don't speak any languages other than ENglsih, i don't have these amazing musical talents, and I don't really even like being around girls very much. But it's really cool to try to see why God would want me around all these amazing people. I might not have much to offer, but God is able to use me for the purpose that he put me here. If we let him, he can make something of us. I just need to learn how to let him do that for me. 
Potatoes for dinner

This Wednesday, one of the sisters is going home (a week sooner than the usual day because her temple in Japan is having the opening and she wants to be there) which means as a trio, we have to split for the last week so her comp isn't alone... Sadly Sis OBrien will be with her comp for a week. Then the actually transfer news is on this Saturday where we will find out the official stuff for next transfer. I really hope I stay in this area, but also, either way it's gong to be wayyyy different without having a trio. We just have great ideas to help the people get excited about missionary work, but WIthout all of us, it might not be as amazing as it could be. We will see!! 
The Lessarys

Oh also, we met our new mission president and his wife. They seem really nice and happy! I hope they aren't too stressed out. This would be a hard mission to cover, all the islands, all the laid back people, the ocean, and tourists everywhere. But he really seems like he will do a great job. It's weird to think of the changes that will probably occur in the next year, but also exciting! I am looking forward to some changes. 

Aw, also I've really come to appreciate members that reach out to Less actives and nonmembers. I know it can be scary but it really makes such a big difference.  We had so many of our less actives and nonmembers come to church, but the ones that stayed were the ones that had a member really help them feel welcome.. the others left :( So my challenge to all of you is to really reach out to those you don't know or those that you don't recognize at church. It could mean everything to them and their families!!!! 

Love you! 
Love Sister Nielsen
ps have you read Our Search for Happiness? It's so good! That missionary library book set is way good, i can't believe i didn't buy it hahah. Good thing i have a billion other missionaries around me. 

I almost held  this mantis for Robert... but the fear was too great. that thing literally chased me at first hahah. 

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