Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Visitor Center

Aloha :)

Well.... Here I am. Back in the Visitors' Center. I'm not gonna lie. It's been a rough transition. a lot has changed here.. many sisters left and many have come. and it's a completely different experience. But the more I "thrust in the sickle" (or however that goes lol) the more I am feeling at least that I can fulfill my purpose here. It is really different, but I am grateful for many things. My YSA area is always changing but that means there are different and more nonmembers in the area than when I served here before. It sounds so weird to other missionaries haha but seriously having less than 15 nonmembers within 5 wards is a struggle. Luckily, if you choose to come to BYUH you probably will at least investigate once throughout the time being there. 

Right now 2 of our investigators are from Mongolia and Mainland China. It's really different to teach them but they are very awesome women. It really takes teaching simply to a new level. Good to remember to teach/talk slow and to also use simple words. And it's always great for me to have these people that aren't Christian because then we have to start with helping them build faith in Jesus Christ, which if you're teaching Christians you wouldn't have to do that. So I'm grateful for that. We're sort of whitewashing in a sense. I served here before but of course in school everyone is always moving around. So we've met some students that are recent converts and others who are also going to let us practice teach or continue to review the lessons with them (Asians- so it's still hard to understand a lot of the gospel even though they believe), So I am grateful.

My companion is Sister Yun from Korea. But even though this is her second transfer she has great English. It's funny to be with someone learning the language again to remind me of the weird phrases we use haha. "everybody and their dog does this" hahaha like what. But she's really sweet too. 

We also get to spend a good amount of time online calling referrals and such. I think my least favorite thing is when someone fills out a guest card and seems interested... and then they don't leave the apt #.... whyyyyyyyy haha. Still really fun to do online. People are so interesting and also it's great moments to help people to want to meet with missionaries. One of the online investigators I had got baptized while i was in Honolulu! (lol somehow I thought he was a girl because the name was tricky and we only taught through texting and emailing.... then i called and found out that he's a man hahaha he's so awesome though. He is sooo happy because of the gospel. :)
Yeah, change makes you grow. I hope I can become a better person because of this!

Also I talked to Elder Swinton. I think unless there's a reason to, I will be serving until Aug 1st! Or soemthing like that. So 5 more months to serve :) ahhhh so fast! 

Love you greatly and "one more fun thing to share before you get off the tram today, in hawaiian, "alo" means to share and "ha" means the breath of life. So thank you for sharing some of your life with us! ALOHA" ;) my life lol

Sister Nielsen

Also the sisters said "your moms cousin is here to see you...." and i'm thinking. wow that could be like 300 different people hahah fun to meet her new husband. they are so cute.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh, she is the sweetest! I'm sure it is tough being at the VC, but her attitude is amazing.
