Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Time is so fast! I mean so much happens but then it just feels like I wrote! But next week is transfer week, so our schedule is messed up, so my pday will be Monday!! So don't forget ;D Plus it'll be the week before Thanksgiving!!!! 

Things have been going good. I of course love the people and my area and sister Pluim is great. She says "awesome" a lot, but probably because there are many awesome things going on haha.  But I can't believe how fast time goes. 

We had another fun guest here at the VC, Sister Sheri Dew! I love her, she is a very likable lady. She has her trials, but I love how she uses them to help others and also how she allows others to help lighten her burden. Our baptism covenant is to help lighten each others' burdens, and it order to do that, we have to be willing to let others know what our trials may be. But also something that stuck out to me was being willing to have that spiritual wrestle with God (like Enos or other people in the BOM) which I think I needed to hear. 

Things are going in Hau'ula, still just one investigator and she "isn't going to change" but sadly for her, she just lost her best friend of MANY years, and so she was willing to let us really teach her the plan of salvation, where we came from, why we are here, and what happens to us after we die. I really am grateful to know that there is a bigger picture that just the right here and now. Our choices really matter, and God will help us to return to him! It's really a hopeful message! Always share that with others :)

I am starting to love calling people about their requests for the Bible, people are so interesting! And i love that each person has such uniqueness you really never know what to expect. It's like working at the call center but i can say whatever i want and i get to have a three way call and have a companion haha. It's pretty great! yesterday we got to talk to a guy on the phone that was deaf! honestly i had no idea. that translator was so good!!!! But also, it's so fun to get to call and follow up with them and hear how excited some of them are to keep leraning from the missionaries!!! I hope the Lord keeps sharing the gospel. I don't regularlly have baptisms from online, but it's so amazing that as a visitors' center, we get to spend so much time in our meeting talking and sharing the stories of many baptisms each week from people that either came VC or online (usually online). It's so amazing!!! 

I hope you have a great week!
Love you
Love Sister Nielsen

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